b"4VIEW ALL LISTINGS AND 1,000S MORE ONLINE: www.Move2Oregon.com29#02 NEW PRICE! NEW PRICE! MEDFORDDOWNTOWN MEDFORD DOWNTOWN MEDFORDVersatileCommercialBldg.THIS 23,725 SF on .42 acre is cen- EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY to own 51,300 SF on .43 acre. Office,trally located. Bldg features roll-upa 3,786 sf shop on .29 fenced acre retail, and warehouse space. 3bay doors in front and dock levelin an incredible high traffic location! phase electric. Loading dock inaccess at the rear of the property.With a little work this could be split into back, truck access in front. OneZonedGeneralIndustrial.Owneran extra unit for additional potential listingagentisrelatedtothemay carry. One listing agent is relat- income. Oil separator sump w/drain sellingcompany'smanager.ed to the selling company's manag- system all ready to go. There is a $949,000. #220194671 er. $899,000. #220178129shower, restroom & office for clientele. $500,000. #220191961. EAST MEDFORD NEW LISTING! NEW LISTING! MEDFORD GRANTS PASS4,255 sf Office Bldg on nearly 1CHARMING COTTAGE fully reno- WELL-MAINTAINED 2 BDRM, 2 acreinafantasticlocationvated down to the studs in 2023! 2BATH, 1,512 SF MFH in desir-across from Les Schwab & Napabdrm,1bath,907sf,openfloorable Willow Estates 55+ Park. onCraterLakeAve.High-endplan, vaulted ceilings in the living &Spaciousfrontdecktorelax& interior,privateoffices,confer- kitchen. Separate laundry rm with aentertain and a key highlight: a ence room w/fireplace, large openbarn door leads to the fenced back- verticalwheelchairlifttothe area, huge kitchen, ADA compli- yard redone with nice garden bedssidedoor!NewHVACwas ant, ample parking and more! & plenty of room to enjoy. Attachedinstalled last year.Close to ameni-$1,199,000. #220188366.1-car garage. $325,000.#220194605 ties. $120,000.#220195762MERLIN EAST MEDFORD KLAMATH FALLS JACKSON,JOSEPHINE, & KLAMATHCOUNTIES5.29 ACRES IN THE THORNBROOKGreat .19 Acre View lot in CedarBEAUTIFUL 2.74 ACRE HOME SITE SUBDIVISION. Whether you're look- Landinga newer subdivisionready for you with dramatic views ing to build your dream home or simplywith lots of amenities. This is aofthelake&mountainsatthe enjoy the tranquility of nature, thisgreat lot & ready for your dreamRunning YResort.Justashort lot has it all. With its peaceful sur- home. $124,900. #220180130.walk to the lake & Skillet Handle. roundingsandconvenientloca- Thisisthelargestlotcurrently tion, you'll have the best of bothavailable in the Running Y subdi-worlds. $195,000. #220186738.vision.$54,950. #220193014. cbcuttingedge.comServing Josephine & Jackson Counties 873 NE 7th StreetGrants Pass, OR 97526541-226-2070Each Office IndependentlyOwned & Operated"