b'32TELL THEM YOU SAW THEIR AD IN www.MOVE2OREGON.COM THE MAGAZINE!29#02 MoovviinnggCChheecckklliisstt MBecause moving to a Dream Homeshouldnt seem like a Nightmare.weeks before week before 2 1 Clear up any outstanding Clean appliances - dont accounts.forget to clean the oven and 1 month beforedefrost the refrigerator.Transfer checking andStart packing clothes. savings accounts to yourRemember to prepare new location.arrival kits of essential Make reservations foritems youll need when you moving services and make a Return borrowed itemsget to your new homelist of all items to be movedincluding library books and(toiletries, medicines, paper retrieve loaned items.plates, snacks, etc.).Notify creditors etc. of your move. Begin submit-Arrange for pet travel, if Pick-up dry cleaning, if ting change of addressnecessary.necessary.forms to them and to your If moving into a pre-local post office. Cancel/transfer any owned home, change the membership fees or locks on all the doors. Send/email announce- prescriptions (ask yourments to friends & relatives doctor for assistance).Moving DayIf you have children, be Service your car -Double check all the sure to request all of theespecially if traveling any shelves, closets andnecessary documents fordistance and/or moving cabinetsto make suretransferring schools.to a new climatenothing is left behind.Look through the garage,Gather all importantDispose of flammable attic and basement. personal documents, liquids such as spray paints, medical/dental records,solvents, and gas in lawn insurance policies, etc.movers. Turn off all lights, close and lock windows and doors.Begin packaging seldom-To avoid costly deposits, used items. Consider hold- request Perfect Payment Leave the keys with your ing a garage sale and/orRecord letters from your REALTOR . donate those items youutility companies. wont be moving. At your new home, checkIf youre planning to stopthe circuit breakers andArrange connect and overnight, make reserva- pilots to make suredisconnect dates with tions for accommodations.everything is on. telephone, cable/ satellite/ internet service providers Make sure internet / wifi is and utility companies.working.Courtesy of www.move2oregon.com Whatever yourdestination,have a safe move and ENJOY YOUR NEW HOME!'