b'10 TELL THEM YOU SAW THEIR AD IN www.MOVE2OREGON.COM THE MAGAZINE!28#12 www.BlueFinOregon.comAt the Port of Brookings-Harbor 16358 Lower Harbor Rd, Brookings, OR 97415MMeerrrryyCChhrriissttmmaassGGrreeeettiinnggssaannddHHaappppyyNNeewwYYeeaarrWWiisshheessttooYYoouuaannddYYoouurrss!!Truely NEW PRICE!Unique & Special! Nearly new 1352 sf, 3-bd 2-bath, open floor plan, Fleetwood MF HomeHidden Gem! 3 bdrm, 2 bath on approx with Luxury3 acres. Gorgeous views of the moun-Vinyl Planktains&adistantviewofthePacific CURRY COUNTY flooring & vaulted ceilings. Kitchen has SS farmersOcean from your new deck, living & din-sink, upgraded SS appliances & solid hickory cabi- ing rooms, kitchen & master suite. New netry. Property includes a huge separate 2-bayluxury vinyl plank floors & a complete garage with separating wall. One side has been com- kitchen makeover. Small orchard below pletely finished & has a full bath and 8X19X 54 state- the house & room for a garden. 10 min-of-the-art PDC Swim Spa! $549,900. #24587663 utes to town. $499,900. #24069262Anita Matys ResidentialRuralFarmPrincipal Broker RanchLandCommercial 541-892-17182311 S 6th St,InvestmentsActionRealtyKF@gmail.com Klamath Falls, OR 97601 www.actionrealtyklamathfalls.com$379,000 ~ RIVER VIEW! $359,000 ~ Totally Remodeled! $249,900 ~ Space Galore!3 bedroom, 2 bath home withBeautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bathHas both space and conven-stunning river & valley views!home boasting the perfectience!6+ bedrooms andNewly updated! Located onblend of modern amenities3 baths. Great views of the 1.64 acres on a paved road.and classic charm.city and lake! #220192319#220192864 #220190864KLAMATH COUNTY$185,000 ~ Malin! $82,000 ~ Owner Carry! $69,900 ~ Fort Klamath!Cozy 3 bedroom home Renovations and upgrades2-story 3 bdrm home situated located at the edge of town.could significantly increaseon a large corner lot, offering Large fenced yard, Pelletthe value of this property.plenty of space for outdoor stove for cozy warmth.Possible owner carry withactivities and gardening. Has #220190064 large down. #220188977 artesian well. #220184969'