b"Greg Floyd BrokerKatie Hensley Broker Cell: 541-499-4823Cell: 541-698-7136 GoldBeachGreg@gmail.comKatie@UltimateCoastalProperties.comKatie brings with her a wealth of local Greg was born in Gold Beach & spent theinformation about the Port Orford, Gold majority of his childhood in the area. AfterBeach, Brookings & surrounding areas. several years in other parts of the state &She has lived in Curry County for over country,hehascomebacktohistrue25 years, is married with 2 sons. Katie was in the title & HOME with a greater appreciation for the area's timelessescrow business for over a decade before making the beauty, variety of wildlife & diverse geography. He has 2switch to a full-time career in real estate. With Katie as your daughters that he enjoys sharing his experiences here withRealtor, you can be assured that your transaction will go as while creating new ones. He enjoys all the outdoor activitiessmoothaspossible.Sheisdetailoriented,driven& the area has to offer; fishing, rafting, hiking, photography,extremely motivated. Whether Buying or Selling, Katie will surfing,younameit!Greghasjoinedtheexperiencedwin you over with her great customer service skills, dedica-RE/MAX team to better serve those looking to make this hid- tion, professionalism & undivided attention. If you are look-den gem by the sea their home & provide a positive, personal,ing for a professional, loyal & honest Realtor ask for Katie!& professional experience. Give Greg a call today!Amanda Keady BrokerDenise Sanchez Broker Cell: 541-661-2660Cell: 541-254-4669amandakeadyrealtor@gmail.com Denise@UltimateCoastalProperties.com AmandamovedtotheGoldBeach/Denisejoinedusaftermoving Brookings area in 2018. Life along thefrom the Central California coast has offered Mandy & her husbandCoastlinewhereshespent Charlie adventures in hiking & exploring,5 years working as a licensed endless beach walks with their old Goldie, and delight inReal Estate Agent. During her time as an agent their discoveries of the area. Mandys background is inshe developed a love for helping people find their education, and she enjoys bringing those skills into her realdream homes. When looking to relocate, Denise estate career. Being detail-oriented, responsive, and per- and her husband fell in love with the Oregon Coast sonable, she provides her clients with needed informationand the communities that dot the coastline. After to make the buying or selling process a smooth one. Help- finding their dream home, they moved to Gold ing clients transition successfully into the next chapters ofBeach in 2016. Denise's enthusiasm and infec-life is Mandys way of meaningfully contributing to her com- tious laugh will brighten your day & make your munity along with being involved in the local library, histor- home buying & selling experience a delight! ical museum, and Rotary club. If youre looking for a hard-working, dedicated professional, call MandyKathleen WorkmanRob Workman Broker BrokerCell: 541-373-7998 Cell: 541-373-9971rob.tmwork@gmail.comkath.tmwork@gmail.comRob's love for Gold Beach is infectious Hello, my name is Kathleen Workman,and you can see it in his every move. He and I am thrilled to be part of theRE/MAX is a father of six that has carried his pas-Ultimate Coastal Properties team. Almost five years ago,sionforsportsintocoachingtheyouthinthearea.A my real estate partner and wonderful husband Rob and Ilicensedcontractorwithexperiencerenovatinghomes moved to Gold Beach with our two Newfiedoodles. Origi- along the way, including multiple vacation rentals and fixer-nally, we lived in Utah, where we raised our children. Livinguppers. Rob moved here over four years ago because this in Gold Beach has been a delightful experience for us,area offered more than just opportunity; its people made soaking in the small town vibe that comes with it. Thehim feel like part of something special too! Rob and his wife ocean's beauty is something that I thoroughly enjoy, alongKathleen enjoy meeting new friends through their Airbnb with the wildlife, making it a picturesque place to live. I havebusiness- hosting homes that let folks stay at their favorite a passion for meeting new people, getting to know them,places while visiting family or vacationing and enjoying all and helping them realize the dream of owning their dreamthat the community has to offer.home.All properties in this magazine are subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and its amendments.All properties are subject to prior sale, sale pending, price changes, expired or off-market status. All Brokers in this magazine are licensed Oregon Real Estate Brokers, unless otherwise stated. We would like to extend photo credit in this publication to: LT Freeman; Mark Perry Photography; and Roger & Cynthia Spry. Thank you for sharing your incredible Photographs with us!VIEW ALL LISTINGS AND 1,000S MORE ONLINEUCP 3 19"