Sarah Claar

Hi! I'm Sarah. I was born in Eugene and raised in Southern Oregon. I graduated from Southern Oregon University with a ..

Sarah Claar  

 603 SE Jackson St. Roseburg, OR 97470, Roseburg, Oregon
Contact Sarah Claar

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About Sarah Claar

Hi! I'm Sarah.

I was born in Eugene and raised in Southern Oregon. I graduated from Southern Oregon University with a degree in Communications and I am thrilled to bring the skills I've built over the years to Oregon Life Homes.

In my free time my husband and I enjoy house renovations large and small. I enjoy traveling and I am known to try any classes out there in our community, from pottery to aerial yoga, to personal safety! We are also involved in animal rescue, specifically kittens under 8 weeks of age that local shelters are not equipped to take care of.

Whether you are well versed in the world of real estate or brand new, as a Southern Oregon native I am an expert in the area and I would love to answer any questions that you may have about buying, selling or the local market in general.

Agent properties
For Sale
1156 Conestoga Dr, Grants Pass, OR 97527
$ 520,000.00

1156 Conestoga Dr, Grants Pass, Oregon, 97527, Josephine County, Southern Oregon

This 5 bedroom 3 bathroom home is located in the city of Grants Pass and ..
 2194 sqft

Sarah Claar


For Sale
247 Carrollwood Dr, Grants Pass, OR 97527
$ 608,000.00

247 Carrollwood Dr, Grants Pass, Oregon, 97527, Josephine County

Wonderful 3 bd, 3.5 ba, 3248 sf home on 3.8 acres in the Jerome Prairie ..
 3248 sqft

Sarah Claar



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