Address: 1314 Center Drive Ste B-440, Medford, OR 97501   Phone: 541-773-5744

102976958,  450 Federal Way, Central Point, OR 97502, #102976958

$ 250,000.00
These are the only small lots currently existing across from the new Costco. #102976958-m2o Call, email, text the Doug Morse Group, Brokers

Great opportunity to locate across from the new Costco. This is one of 6 small parcels/lots ranging from .45(4), .48(1) and .72(1). These are the only small lots currently existing across from the new Costco. They are all zoned M-1 with City Services stubbed to each lot. The lots start at the corner of Federal Way and Hamrick Rd. on the East side of Federal Way going South. Future - Plans call for Federal Way to connect to Table Rock Rd. close to Airport Rd. and Table Rock. Call or e-mail today for all the details! #102976958m2o Call, email, text the Doug Morse Group, Brokers

Address: 450 Federal Way, Central Point, OR, 97502, Southern Oregon
Categories: Lots and Land (Acreage)
Type: For Sale